Free Patterns: Amelia the sheep ¡Now in English!

Thank you to all of my wonderful followers who loved my Amelia the sheep pattern! 

Until now the pattern was only available in Spanish here and I know that many of you have difficult to translate it using Google. 

Several days ago I received many emails and messages from Facebook regarding this matter and your request to have an English translation of this amigurumi sheep. 

I have worked on it (Thanks to my friend Annie's Fingers to help me ) and here is it! 

Good things come to those who wait!! 
I hope you make it!!

¡¡Ya está disponible en inglés también 
el patrón de Amelia la oveja!!

Gracias a todos los que me habéis escrito estos días pidiéndolo y a todos aquellos que ya la habéis tejido y seguís tejiéndola ❤ (El Patrón en español podéis encontrarlo Aquí)

¡Ya somos rebaño! 

11 comentarios:

  1. Y yo sin enterarme, voy a apuntarlo en tareas pendientes, xd aunque voy a tener que escribirlo en un libro porque se me acumulan😝😝😝

  2. With the sheeps hooves, are the rows 3-7 still done in back loop only?

    1. Hi! Thanks for writing!
      Only the R2 is worked in back loop. The rows 3-7 are done in both loops :)

  3. How many stitches are in your puff stitches? Are they 3 double crochets puff stitches? 4 double crochet puff stitches? Or something else?

    1. I am wondering that same thing. (Cute pattern overall though! )

    2. Via this link you get to a page on her website where she explaines the puff stitch for the sheep. It's in spanish but you can translate it.

  4. Love the pattern! I would also like to know how many sts are in your puff sts. My body keeps curling as if there aren't enough sts.

  5. Gracias por compartir este patron, pude regalar un set a alguien muy especial.

  6. Thanks por sharing this pattern, i could make a present to a special person.


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